Kunsthalle Wien is one of Wien.

1. Kunsthalle Wien

Museumsplatz 1 (Museumsquartier), Wien, Wien
Art Museum · Museumsquartier · 21 tips and reviews

CITY SPOTS WIENCITY SPOTS WIEN: Ask for CITY SPOTS, the annotated City Map of Vienna (free!). If you like KUNSTHALLE WIEN, then you may like the other recommendations as well.

Volksgarten Pavillon is one of Wien.

2. Volksgarten Pavillon

Burgring 1, Wien, Wien
Beer Garden · Schottenviertel · 27 tips and reviews

CITY SPOTS WIENCITY SPOTS WIEN: Playing field for boule/ pétanque, cosily situated in the garden of a 1960s restaurant for daytrippers.

Porgy & Bess is one of Wien.

3. Porgy & Bess

Riemergasse 11, Wien, Wien
Jazz and Blues Venue · Kärntner Viertel · 28 tips and reviews

CITY SPOTS WIENCITY SPOTS WIEN: Jazz club with int. live acts and DJs. Improvisation, Jazz, big band grooves, dance music.

Naschmarkt is one of Wien.

4. Naschmarkt

Wienzeile, Wien, Wien
Market · Wieden · 264 tips and reviews

CITY SPOTS WIENCITY SPOTS WIEN: Ask for CITY SPOTS, the annotated City Map of Vienna (free!). If you like NASCHMARKT, then you may like the other recommendations as well.

MuseumsQuartier is one of Wien.

5. MuseumsQuartier

Museumsplatz 1, Wien, Wien
Plaza · Museumsquartier · 251 tips and reviews

CITY SPOTS WIENCITY SPOTS WIEN: Ask for CITY SPOTS, the annotated City Map of Vienna (free!). If you like MQ, then you may like the other recommendations as well.

Haus des Meeres  - Aqua Terra Zoo is one of Wien.

6. Haus des Meeres - Aqua Terra Zoo

Fritz-Grünbaum-Platz 1, Wien, Wien
Aquarium · Mariahilf · 80 tips and reviews

CITY SPOTS WIENCITY SPOTS WIEN: Ask for CITY SPOTS, the annotated City Map of Vienna (free!). If you like HAUS DES MEERES, then you may like the other recommendations as well.

Roxy is one of Wien.

7. Roxy

Operngasse 24 (Faulmanngasse), Wien, Wien
Night Club · Wieden · 8 tips and reviews

CITY SPOTS WIENCITY SPOTS WIEN: Ask for CITY SPOTS, the annotated City Map of Vienna (free!). If you like ROXY, then you may like the other recommendations as well.