Cirebon Cuisine

1. Swike Ciledug

Jalan Raya Mundu, Mundu, Jawa Barat
Restaurant · 4 tips and reviews

Steven C.Steven Chang: Best swike taste in Cirebon :)

2. Rumah Makan Laksana

Jl. Permandian Air Panas Sangkanhurip No. 135 Ciga (Cilimus), Kuningan, Jawa Barat
Asian Restaurant · 33 tips and reviews

Tris B.Tris Bahriany: Food was not bad, very crowded plus smokey, for sure from the kitchen. Had grilled fish, ayam rica2 and cah kangkung at very affordable prices. Needs proper ventilation and air circulation though.

3. Empal Gentong Bu Darma

Jl. Diponegoro No. 21 (Jl. Saleh), Cirebon, Jawa Barat
Indonesian Restaurant · 48 tips and reviews

RiaRia: rasanya masih enak seperti waktu masih ada mang darma nya.santan nya pas,tidak terlalu berminyak dan dagingnya itu loh lembut dimulut 👌👌

Nasi Jamblang Ibu Nur is one of Cirebon Cuisine.

4. Nasi Jamblang Ibu Nur

Jl. Cangkring II No. 45, Cirebon, Jawa Barat
Indonesian Restaurant · 104 tips and reviews

OREOOREO: Mamam ginian bikin ga napasss👍otak paru lidah sapi nendang bgt.😜😜

5. Empal Gentong H.Apud - Plered - Cirebon

Jl. Raya Plered, Plered Cirebon, West Java
Asian Restaurant · 11 tips and reviews

Daisy W.Daisy Wulan: Breakfast semi lunch. Sate kambingnya juara...

6. Grage Lanai Resto

Jalan Sangkanhurip (Cigandamekar), Kuningan, Jawa Barat
Asian Restaurant · 8 tips and reviews

Jajang S.Jajang Sujarwadi: Nice view of the ciremai mountain

7. Nasi Jamblang Mang Dul

Jalan Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Cirebon, Jawa Barat
Indonesian Restaurant · 152 tips and reviews

Albert Arief M.Albert Arief Mulyana: Empal (ground beef), semur tahu (sweeted et chilled tofu)

Mie Koclok Jatimerta is one of Cirebon Cuisine.

8. Mie Koclok Jatimerta

Jalan Raden Ajeng Kartini (Jl. Raden Ajeng Kartini), Cirebon, Jawa Barat
Noodle Restaurant · 3 tips and reviews
Klapa Manis is one of Cirebon Cuisine.

9. Klapa Manis

Jl. Raya Cirebon-Kuningan (Gronggong), Cirebon, Jawa Barat
Indonesian Restaurant · 70 tips and reviews
Nasi Lengko & Sate Kambing H. Barno is one of Cirebon Cuisine.

10. Nasi Lengko & Sate Kambing H. Barno

Pagongan (Jl Pagongan), Kecamatan Cirebon Utara, Jawa Barat
Indonesian Restaurant · 5 tips and reviews
Empal Gentong dan Empal Asem Amarta is one of Cirebon Cuisine.

11. Empal Gentong dan Empal Asem Amarta

Jl. Raya Batembat (Jl. Raya Plered), Cirebon, Jawa Barat
Indonesian Restaurant · 82 tips and reviews
Empal Gentong H. Apud is one of Cirebon Cuisine.

12. Empal Gentong H. Apud

Jalan Tuparev, Cirebon, Jawa Barat
Indonesian Restaurant · 77 tips and reviews