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Erica: Hidden underneath Ter-
rasse Dufferin are the ruins of four forts
and two chateâus constructed by Samuel
de Champlain and other early Québec
residents between 1620 and 1694. These
structures, excavated between 2005 and
2007, served as residences for the French
and English governors of Québec for over
200 years before falling victim to bombard-
ment, fire and neglect. In warm weather,
Parks Canada offers twice-daily English-
language tours of the archaeological site
and the artifacts unearthed there.
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Erica: Québec’s Roman Catholic basilica got its start as a small church in 1647. Despite
frequent fires and battle damage over the
ensuing years, especially during fighting
between British and French armies in 1759,
the church was repeatedly repaired and re-
built, ultimately becoming the much larger
cathedral you see today, which was com-
pleted in 1925. The interior is appropriately
grandiose, though most of its treasures
didn’t survive the 1922 fire that left behind
only the walls and foundations.
Between mid-May and early September,
guided tours allow you to visit the basilica’s
crypt; call ahead or check inside the church
for schedules. Everyone from governors of
New France to archbishops and cardinals
have been laid to rest here.