"Beautiful showroom specializing in luxury decorative kitchen & bath fixtures. Check out the gorgeous bathtub selections & kitchen faucets! Your next remodel project begins here, NOT a hardware store."
"GLITTER SALE. If you can handle crushing crowds of bargain shoppers at this annual event, GO! Their best stockpiled designer clothes, jewelry, handbags, shoes, the amazing deals just keep going on! 😍"
"Romantic lights at night! Cute shops, art galleries, restaurants and Umbria coffee to sit outside & people watch. Don't miss First Thursdays Art Walk happening every month, which can get very crowded."
"Nominated 2013 Evening Magazine's King5 Best of Western Washington "Best Vintage and Resale" PLEASE vote: http://best.king5.com/vintage-and-moore/biz/654542 THANK YOU for your support! #LuxuryThrift"
"Polite Society: Unspoken rules are to be followed. PARKING like a JERK is uncool. Prime space is limited! DON'T take up 2 spaces. DON'T bumper cars 'cause yours is crappy. DO play nice. KARMA. XOXO ;)"
"LADIES: Please wear size you NEED, not the size you WISH. Yes... it's entirely see-through!! GUYS: I don't care how many six packs you have, put a shirt on! Sweat is... Gross. Invest in a sexy top. :)"