There are always local groups holding bake sales outside, under the shelter to the left of the front door. Stop by to pick up some tasty treats for the ride.
This place used to be open 24 hours a day for bathrooms and a pleasant coffee machine. Now, it’s open 7-7, with no facilities after hours. Enjoy going to the bathroom outdoors, in the snow.
Why does every other rest stop/Welcome center on 91 and 89 have complimentary Green MountainCoffee, but this one charges $1.75 for a tiny crappy cup from a vending machine ? Lame.
Find Vermont information. Restrooms, vending machines, ATM, free wi-fi, picnic areas, playground, pet area, and places to relax. Main building open 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM. Lobby with restrooms and vending machines open 24-hours a day.