1 places updated December 30, 2019
1 place including Söderberg Bakery Shop
31 places updated February 27, 2020
31 places including Copenhagen, retrogusto coffeemates, MuVIM, Flying Bean Coffee
18 places updated January 7, 2020
18 places including Matcha and Beyond, Ozone Coffee Roasters, The Monocle Café, Nordic Bakery
64 places updated November 6, 2021
64 places including Kelvin Pocket, Two Fat Ladies, Gallery of Modern Art, Cafe Strange Brew
28 places updated January 11, 2020
28 places including Fu by Fukafe & Friends, Mandu Pierogarnia Mandu Gdańsk, Black & White Coffee, Faloviec
4 places updated November 24, 2019
4 places including The Depot, Needlemakers Café, Flint Owl Bakery, Ground Coffee House