This is really a full day trip, especially if you see the glass blowing show or do the DIY. Tickets are fairly reasonable and there’s tons to keep kids interested.
Very well done and much better than you’d think with a fairly large art section that will intrigue even the most unartistic person in the group (like me)!
Admission is 20RMB. In a large, open industrial space at one end of the museum, glass-blowing classes are held. You'll need to book ahead and it costs 300RMB/30 minutes, but it's a unique experience. Read more
The new exhibition "Keep it Glassy" is a must-see! It features 200 pieces of 50 international designers in a stunning industrial building. On the 2nd floor you can purchase some of the art pieces.
Universe of light! Definitely worth it. Fine "keep it glassy2", but the main delight of the place - hot glass demonstration. Nice kids museum and variety of creative workshops: fusing,sandblasting,
Really a fantastic place to experience. Both the history of glass as well as modern glass design and art. And a nice building too. Worthwhile an afternoon.
This place is cute for an afternoon trip, especially if you want to learn about glass. There are some splendid sculptures by internationally recognized artists, but don't expect much else. Bring food!
The permanent exhibition is not well maintained. The tablets don't work properly. The exhibition decal descriptions are not strategically placed which makes it hard to read. Only worth one visit.
This contemporary concept museum, housed in a former glass factory, shows the history of glass as well as contemporary glass design through an interactive approach.