6 places updated August 22, 2018
6 places including Kosatka, Zhizn Zamechatelnikh Lyudey, Peizazhna Alley, RIGHT Coffee Bar
16 places updated August 14, 2018
16 places including Кофе на кухне, Подписные издания, Civil, Rudy's Coffee to Go
16 places updated May 16, 2018
16 places including g.Vino, PinPon Cafe, Samikitno/Machakhela, Art-Cafe Home
34 places updated April 1, 2021
34 places including Shacklewell Arms, Craving, The Wren, Burro e Salvia
29 places updated August 7, 2017
29 places including Kőleves Kert, City Park, Gellért Hill, Liebling
110 places updated
110 places including The Lumiere Brothers Center for Photography, Varka, Tipsy Pub, Dada