Five years in n I head to NY t take a break. Ennia got here ahead of us, n Kenny's nough of a git to make it our anorak. Sends my vacation off to f- all. Birds.
"Incredible place, made me thinkof MIB. Starting t think that Ken was right bout counterculture. Set me onto a good tip about the Derby. Here's our side of things..."
"Incredible place, starting t think that Ken was right bout counterculture. Set me onto a good tip about the Derby."
"Had a quick go round after the news clipping. Helped abut as much as the last group- got a bit, gave a bit."
"Came in for the buzz on the new psychic outbreak, and any word on Ennia. Got a tip, an a few comics to send home."
"Ken got n his head we cn catch up on who's after Ennia thru t counter culture scene. No sign here n it got proper tossed."
"Her job in Nagpur went off without her getting Ided... but for some reason, she's here in the US, and Ken and I are wandering around counterculture shoppes looking for clues about who's chasing her..."