Ohio State students can get discounted tickets for sporting events, concerts, and more through D-Tix at the Ohio Union Information Center. More info: http://ohiounion.osu.edu/things_to_do/dtix
The Ohio Union is home to over 1000 OSU student organizations. Get involved today by visiting the Keith B. Key Center for Student Leadership and Service on the 2nd floor of the Ohio Union.
Madewell's Denim Roadtrip will be at Ohio StateUniversity on 4/26/12 on between 12-5pm. Stop by for some very special surprises, including a styling station, a hair-braiding bar and a secret deal.
Could I bother you for 5 minutes to fill out a survey on GeoSocial apps (like foursquare)? It's all in the name of science! http://goo.gl/FNMTm Read more
Interested in a career that can change millions of lives in healthcare IT? Come to the McKesson booth at the OSU Engineering Job Fair today at the Union and find out how you can empower healthcare!
The Ohio Union is dedicated to enriching the student experience on and off The Ohio State University campus. The new Ohio Union offers a great place to relax, meet, study and eat!