100 hours of STUDENTS IN FREE ENTERPRISE, "S.I.F.E.," will give you a Presidential Award, and move your resume', to the top level in three. As an elective, you also get in the time as a class.
If you're here, you're probably either a student or a parent. If student: study hard. If parent: encourage hard. For both of y'all: smile hard, laugh hard, love hard.
One Club offered at Central Texas College was S.I.F.E., & and we learned "S.I.F.E.," was an Elective, at Texas State. Now both the College mentioned, & T.S.U., have it as an elective. Great Benefit!
Lyndon Baines Johnson graduated from here with a B.S. degree in 1930. The future President worked as a janitor and office assistant while he was in school.