Widely considered the birthplace of the gay rights (shh, don't tell them about Julius!), this place was completely renovated and opened under new ownership after the riots, but it's a great bar.
Even though it is a historical symbol of gay movement, it is also a friendly and normal bar for you to hangout no matter who u r. The bartender is nice and might touch ur face at some point=]
Great bar except when the Hetero Breeders come in and "pretend" to be down with the cause... Go to your own bar and let us gays have our own thing for once..
The fact that it ties into the other club on the block via the back passage way is nice. The shitty pool table needs a refurbish. The shows and events are great for pastime.
I cant believe this has turned into a straight hangout. Was in on a Saturday night and it was full of young staight people making out. They probably dont even know what that place stood for.
The most famous gay bar in history. You've gotta stop in for at least one drink to say you've been. When marriage equality passed in NYC, this is where everyone came to celebrate.
The gay rights movement began here during a riot on June 28, 1969. Today, Gay Pride events are held annually throughout the world toward the end of June to mark the Stonewall riots.
Looking forward to our visit having travelled to NYC from Brisbane Australia. It was not very busy 30 people there on 4th July inside but 1 barstaff on. She ignored us for 15 mins walked out
We were thrilled to visit this historic place. It's just a cute little dive at this point, but one that I love so much due to it's place in history. Great value for your dollar on drinks!
PHOTO: The Stonewall Riots began here in 1969, with crowds attempting to impede a police raid on the Stonewall Inn. Click "More Info" to see this historic pic! Read more
Friday is Karaoke Night from 5pm until 10pm. So much fun, very casual, and totally worth the trip. Go and escape from reality for a bit with booze and singing.
The stretch of Christopher St in front of Stonewall is the go-to gathering spot for NYers anytime something gay/political happens. So much history here.
Great piece of history, grateful to stop by the day marriage equality was granted! And when chuck bartends he makes everyone popcorn with m&ms, salty sweet secret delight!!
a great place to go to with my gay friends; one of them told me all about the historical significance of this place and the cultural impact for Human-Equal Rights.
The site of the 1969 Stonewall riots, this Greenwich Villagebar became the birthplace of the modern Gay Rights Movement and is a National Historic Landmark.
Opened 3/18/67. Bldg is 2 renovated stables erected 1843-46. On 6/28/69 during police raid a riot ensued. Next day protests were celebrated each year after via Gay Pride March. Full history via<LINK>
Don't trip when approaching the bar, there is a thing there that I've tripped over a couple of times. Don't forget that sometimes the second floor is open and a full bar is upstairs as well!
Historic birth place of the gay rights movement and a great place for a 2-4-1 Happy Hour special, a diverse crowd, friendly bartenders and dancing upstairs.