"Hm. Left my car for a day here to fix a/c. Got it back and paid, then found out that the problem wasn't fixed. Funny. A/c guy is off today. Let's hope they fix it tomorrow. Still, trust goes down"
Auto Repair
· Foothill Ranch, United States
"Their Wi-Fi says "License Node Exceeded" and doesn't connect you to internet."
Auto Repair
· Irvine, United States
6.4"Just bought that at Ralph's."
· Foothill Ranch, United States
7.6"Already closed at 5 pm :("
· Lake Arrowhead, United States
6.6"My starter went dead, and I called here to make sure they can fix it today before asking AAA guy to tow me here. Then I waited an hour to learn that a) it is in fact starter, and b) they don't have it"
Auto Repair
· Costa Mesa, United States
5.4"Nice place. No Wi-Fi."
· Miramonte, United States