"I love coming here again and again! The Konlau Mee drives me crazy. Don't forget to try the Cendol ya. Nice!"
· Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
7.3"Tried Bak kut Teh BUT still Yu Kee Bak Kut Teh in Gaya Street the better!! Hurm, pls dun order beverage frm stall yg hujunggggg.... I saw dorg ambil ais pakai tgn sj!!! So dirty!!! Hihi"
Food Court
· Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
7.2"Friendly & good service.... Muahhh."
"Owh no my mayorship di Sugud kena ambil org sdh..... Sy mau balik Sugud lar ni besok mau rampas taktha balik.."
Apartment or Condo
· Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
5.6"Seriously if im craving for sandwich i wont come here ever again.. I have to wait for 20mins for only Tuna Toast.. Itu pun tidak sampai2.. I already paid n I left without my Tuna Toast!!!"
Sandwich Spot
· Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
6.3"The best!!!! I love to eat in a crowded place!!!!"
· Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia