3 places updated July 31, 2014
Places around Brookings you can jump online AND sit outside.
1 places updated July 27, 2013
1 place including Great Plains Zoo
7 places updated July 15, 2013
7 places including Valley Restaurant, Buffalo Wild Wings, Taco John's, Old Market Eatery
7 places updated October 30, 2013
7 places including Coughlin-Alumni Stadium, Frost Arena, SDSU Dairy Bar, McCrory Gardens
16 places updated March 21, 2013
16 places including Skinner's Pub, Jim's Tap, Pheasant Restaurant & Lounge, The Ram & O'Hare's
8 places updated March 13, 2013
8 places including Heist Brewing, Wooden Legs Brewing Company, Firehouse Brewing Co., Independent Ale House