Senator John Blutarski: The gumbo is so damned incredible. Available both at Sunday brunch and throughout the week, it has become a dining-out staple for everyone I know who tries it. Eat.
134 Hampshire St (btwn Elm & Norfolk), Cambridge, MA
Mediterranean Restaurant · Inman Square · 130 tips and reviews
Senator John Blutarski: Eat: whipped feta, falafel, grilled octopus; literally everything is delicious, just choose a creature you feel like eating and believe in everything else from there. Rosé Rioja doesn't suck either.
1299 Cambridge St (btw Prospect & Springfield), Cambridge, MA
Bookstore · Inman Square · 8 tips and reviews
Senator John Blutarski: The small baskets at each endcap have incredible, ever-changing selections like "truly odd children's books" or "the deeply miscellaneous"; great reads and simple gifts abound. Enjoy!
Senator John Blutarski: If you rent a private hot tub room, bring your own iPod/cd; each room has its own feed, and you can listen to your music while you soak.
Senator John Blutarski: You are standing in a neighborhood packed with some of the best bars and restaurants in the entire city. Skip the S&S; try East Coast Grill, Tupelo, Oleana, Punjabi Dhaba, or Trina's Starlite Lounge