"MinhasVillaonthebeach.combest place ever to stay, right on the water, 3 bedroom, 4 TVs, 3 pools and great price!"
· Christ Church, Barbados
8.3"Have a Berghoff beer it is made by the Minhas Craft Brewery at it is amazing! Best beer ever! Especially the red lager!"
· Chicago, United States
7.5"Have a Rhinelander Shorty Lager it amazing!"
· Rhinelander, United States
7.0"In Cellar 70 try the Chocolate Bunny stout great beer, and the Rhinelander export shorty 24 for 9.99!"
Grocery Store
· Rhinelander, United States
7.0"Having a chicken salad and a Rhinelander shorty export"
Hotel Bar
· Rhinelander, United States
"Have a Rhinelander Shorty Export it is an amazing beer oh and the Chocolate Bunny Stout!"
Sports Bar
· Rhinelander, United States