Riley the Aussie

Riley the Aussie


I'm a city dog with small town persuasions. 21 years young with the energy of a 3 year old. I like my food dry and my walks long.

New York, NY
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Riley the Aussie's Top Cities
New York
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Riley the Aussie
4 places updated December 14, 2014
Places with great outdoor seating and plenty of room under the table.
Riley the Aussie
4 places updated July 20, 2012
4 places including Happy Paws, Zoomies, Le Petit Puppy, Biscuits & Bath
Riley the Aussie
3 places updated July 20, 2012
Artisanal Antlers, spicy raw hide, or a classic pig ear.
Riley the Aussie
4 places updated July 20, 2012
Some of the best places in NYC to get out and meet new friends of all shapes and sizes.
Riley the Aussie
0 places updated
0 places
Riley the Aussie
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    "Stop and smell the flowers. But nothing more."
    Riley the AussieRiley the Aussie · July 20, 2012
    · New York, United States
    "Despite it costing $150 to travel with a pet on most airlines, at least this airport is very pet friendly. Lots of space to rest, outside of the bag of course."
    Riley the AussieRiley the Aussie · July 20, 2012
    International Airport
    · Queens, United States
    "Dr. Martel is simply the best. Most of our visits start with 10 minutes of play time, on the house."
    Riley the AussieRiley the Aussie · July 20, 2012
    · New York, United States