Tasha Gurule

Tasha Gurule


Rio Rancho, NM
  • 0 Tips
  • 131 Following
  • 9 Lists

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Tasha's Top Cities
7 Lists Created
Rio Rancho
4 Lists Created
Tasha's Recent Lists
Tasha Gurule
1 places updated March 24, 2014
1 place including Blackbird Buvette
Tasha Gurule
4 places updated March 24, 2014
4 places including Planet Fitness, Calibers Shooters Sports Center, Starbucks, L.A. Boxing Rio Rancho
Tasha Gurule
7 places updated April 26, 2014
7 places including Bank of Albuquerque, Smith's Food & Drug, Where the heart is!, Village Inn
Tasha Gurule
3 places updated March 24, 2014
3 places including Cinemark, Regal UA Cottonwood, Tuco's Headquarters
Tasha Gurule
10 places updated March 24, 2014
10 places including Sabana Grande, Haynes Park, Chuck E. Cheese, The McDermott Athletic Center
Tasha Gurule
3 places updated March 23, 2014
3 places including Toys"R"Us, Cottonwood Mall, Burlington
Tasha's ListsLists Tasha CreatedLists Tasha Followed
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