"Tonina Hiša In St. Peter is a professionally restored typical dwelling of the rural inhabitants. / V Sv. Petru je strokovno obnovljeno tipično bivališče podeželskih prebivalcev."
Historic and Protected Site
· Piran, Slovenija
"Hotel Apollo One of the hotel’s peculiarities is Tito’s Suite with its splendid view of the sea. / Posebnost hotela je Titov apartma s čudovitim pogledom na morje."
· Portorož, Slovenija
6.6"This high quality hotel providing remarkable tourist services. / Hotel Obdan je z mirnim, zelenim okoljem in prečudovito lego tik ob morju"
· Portorož, Slovenija
7.2"They have a top selection of homemade ice-creams and cakes (36 flavors of ice cream, 57 different cakes). / Imajo vrhunsko izbiro domačega sladoleda in slaščic (36 okusov sladoleda, 57 slaščic)."
· Portorož, Slovenija
7.7"You can bring your pet to Hotel Lucija. / V Hotelu Lucija lahko bivajo tudi male živali."
· Portorož, Slovenija
5.7"Wellness Center have Thermomineral water. Its source temperature is 23 degrees Celsius. / Wellness Center ima termomineralno vodo toplo 23 stopinj."
· Portorož, Slovenija