"Last Gas station before the Spillway travelling east. Or First Gas Station after leaving the Metro Area. Go for the rest rooms, stay for the Truckers!"
Fuel Station
· Laplace, United States
6.9"The Rib Room. Every Lundi Gras. Say Hello to Mr. Al & ask if you can sit where Donnie will ensure your meal is always Tops!"
· New Orleans, United States
8.3"High stone walls to keep out invaders, an excellent rookery for communications, and a training yard for young Squires and Knights."
"We sit atop the hills of Rome, Princes of a Poison City. The Bonds of friendship and Shackles of shared Madness keep us grounded, as much as possible, as our murky Aventine flows powerfully so nearby."
· New Orleans, United States
"Be wary in the alleyways of Rome, especially near the Aventine Hill."
· New Orleans, United States
"Downstairs lounge couches are so crucial."
· New Orleans, United States