"Berbat. Musterilerine cok kotu muamele ediyorlar. Aldigim urun bozuk cikti iadesini istedigimde bir dayak yemedigim kaldi."
Pınar ·
November 10, 2016Hobbies
· İstanbul, Türkiye
5.5"Nice calm and cozy. I like this place, worth to be there"
· Будва, Црна Гора
7.4"One of the waiter was so rude. Even the panorama and the ambiance of the restaurant is nice, bad servicing approach made me unconfortable"
· Будва, Црна Гора
7.4"Fish plate is gorgeous, the service is nice. Greek salad is delicious. To be in greece means to eat fish and octopus for me and mythos is one if the place to be"
"An incredible panaroma"
· Üsküdar, Türkiye
8.6"If you like far east cuisine, this is the right restaurant"