Okay let me get this. Ppl in here do 1 set then text for 5 minutes then do set 2 & text for 10 minutes? Leave your phones at home. Your here to get in shape or stay in shape ppl
Ppl just do what works for you. Nothing wrong with doing bench press with 20lb weights if that's what you can lift. All about being health. Nothing to prove here
It's ok for a quick workout. Unless you have imagination, it's pretty basic. People are nerve wrecking with their cell phones and talking while sitting on equip
We're Planet Fitness - The Judgement Free Zone. We're known for our low prices, friendly staff, and positive environment. Our philosophy is that in our clubs, you should be free to get in shape, have fun, or just kick back and relax in one of our massage chairs, it's entirely up to you.