"Peoria Zoo Easter Egg Hunt! Sat, March 23. Age 0-3 at 10:30 am. Age 4-6 at 10:50 a.m. Age 7-9 at 11:10 a.m. $8.50adults; $6.50 non-member children; $3.50 member children. For info call 309.681.3513"
"Bounce on over for our annual Easter egg celebration, loaded with candy & fun Sat. 3/23 Age 0-3 10:30/Age 4-6 10:50/Age 7-9 11:10.For info call 309.681.3513 or visit http://peoriazoo.org/index-1.html"
"The zoo is fun -- even in snow! We are here year round and so are our animals! Our Sichuan Takins hail from the Himalayas and enjoy the snow! So come on out!"