If you are tired and feel like relaxing this is not the place to go. It is loud and always full of people. If you are with a big gang and want some heavy beer drinking experience, go for it.
All drinks are really cheep, but the service is also poor. The music is always pretty loud. I would recommend this place for students or for low budget evenings.
It’s awful the service is awful impolite people , we paid to much , while it was no one in there and guess what they disrespected us , I don’t advice anyone to go there
Cheap beers, but their TVs are really bad. I went to see a football game, but left at the half time because their signal is really poor and the image is unclear.
Bodega tineretului din ziua de azi! O cârciumă clasică dar cu muzică din prezent sau hit'uri de hip'hop. Nu vă plângeți de servire intr'o cârciumă! Se bea bere la greu, la metru, la găleată...la cadã.
Feriti-va de chelnerita bruneta,Flori.O sa inventeze o minciuna cum ca ati injurat-o si o sa cheme doua gorile care va vor obliga sa platiti si sa plecati imediat.Staff cu gandire primitiva.Rusine!
Bere la galeata, litru, metru, sticla si butoi, muzici cu spirit Woodstock si Vama Veche, 10 metri de plasme cu meciurile echipelor romanesti + campionate.