Ethan Miguel Serkey

Ethan Miguel Serkey


I seem like a normal guy,just a bit off;actually a nut #coping *REALLY* well! 36/GM/#JP #Theatre, #videogames, #scifi... #TeamGaymer #TeamHomoGeek

  • 9 Tips
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Ethan Miguel's Top Cities
1 List Created · 7 Tips
Jamaica Plain
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Ethan Miguel Serkey
1 places updated December 15, 2019
1 place including Brato Brewhouse + Kitchen
Ethan Miguel Serkey
8 places updated
8 places including South Station Terminal (MBTA / Amtrak), MIT Museum, Eureka, The Mothership
Ethan Miguel Serkey
46 places updated
46 places including Jordan Hospital, The Old Waterman House, Whole Foods Market, Regal Fenway & RPX
    "Chicken tenders."
    Ethan Miguel SerkeyEthan Miguel Serkey · April 26, 2017
    Comedy Club
    · Boston, United States
    "They don't make you buy anything to use the bathroom. Just ask for the code. Or, as of this writing it's 234."
    Ethan Miguel SerkeyEthan Miguel Serkey · January 18, 2017
    · Boston, United States
    "If you think you have something better to do than participate in the government by the people and possibly make the most important decision if someone's life you don't deserve to be US citizen."
    Ethan Miguel SerkeyEthan Miguel Serkey · April 8, 2013
    · Boston, United States
    "So sick of all the griping . Jury duty is an honor, a privilege, a right, & a responsibility. I understand how long file can be a hardship; but a short one, or a day in the jury pool?"
    Ethan Miguel SerkeyEthan Miguel Serkey · April 8, 2013
    · Boston, United States
    "Take a day off work and come on a weekday morning. I don't know what the other people are complaining about. My mother & I got her senior pass in 20 minutes."
    Ethan Miguel SerkeyEthan Miguel Serkey · April 3, 2013
    Travel and Transportation
    · Boston, United States
    "Weekend service cancelled between Brigham Circle & Heath Street."
    Ethan Miguel SerkeyEthan Miguel Serkey · July 22, 2012
    · Boston, United States