We are very excited to introduce our new line of Lifestyle, Your Way apartment homes. Designed with you in mind and available exclusively at Northwind Forest Apartments. Read more
We hope to see you at our Card Party! If you can't make it this Saturday, we have one scheduled for next Saturday, too. https://www.facebook.com/events/438787716232745/
If you are still searching for the perfect home for this Holiday season, call (989) 631-2901 and Alex or Amanda will be happy to help you in your search.
Attention Residents! Friend us on Facebook, it could get you a $100 rent credit if you participate in our contest! https://www.facebook.com/northwindforest
Nestled harmoniously amongst majestic trees and lush landscaping, Northwind Forest provides serenity that allows you to relax while Midland's attractions are just minutes away. Your new home offers easy access to fine dining, shopping, entertainment, and outdoor recreation.