new london main street

new london main street


New London's Historic Waterfront District--"The District" for short--is the hub of creative energy that gives the city its Top Ten rating among creative communities of its size in America. Art, music, and design venues, one-of-a-kind boutiques, and over 30 eateries populate this 26-block National Register Historic District in New London, Conn. Nathan Hale, Benedict Arnold, and Eugene O'Neill walked these streets.

New London, Connecticut
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new london main street
11 places updated June 23, 2012
We didn't in the "Top Ten among creative communities of its size in America" for nothing! We're may be small but we pack a creative and artistic wallop! (Including the new Wall-To-Wall Mural Walk.)
new london main street
12 places updated March 1, 2013
Grab the kiddies and head down to the New London Waterfront District for a day filled with creative thinking, good eats and all around fun (sometimes even on skates!)
new london main street
20 places updated February 29, 2012
Museum shops, galleries and boutiques offer everything from local history books, records, comic books and collectibles to fair trade goods and women's fashion.
new london main street
30 places updated March 30, 2012
A Heritage Trail of 30 bronze plaques, which can be found in the sidewalks, celebrates New London’s historically significant buildings from Colonial times through the beginning of the 20th century.
new london main street
12 places updated January 5, 2014
Nathan Hale, Benedict Arnold & Eugene O'Neill walked these streets. America's greatest architects left their mark in these buildings. They don't call us the Historic Waterfront District for nothing.
new london main street
15 places updated June 23, 2012
The perfect places in the New London Historic Waterfront District to stop in and have a burger and a pint (or two.)
    "Why not top off your ice cream indulgence with a side of fudge as well! Several fudge flavors available."
    new london main streetnew london main street · June 23, 2012
    Ice Cream
    · New London, United States
    "Nested behind Bank Street is this great stretch of walkway with great views of the Thames River. (Also the location of our yearly Fish Tales, Tugs & Sails Festival!)"
    new london main streetnew london main street · June 23, 2012
    · New London, United States
    "Check out the plaques for little pieces of history!"
    new london main streetnew london main street · June 23, 2012
    · New London, United States
    "Open seasonally November through February. Skate rental and sharpening available."
    new london main streetnew london main street · June 23, 2012
    Skating Rink
    · New London, United States
    "Great entertainment all summer long. Visit for schedule."
    new london main streetnew london main street · June 23, 2012
    Art Gallery
    · New London, United States
    "You don't need to be Picasso to make artwork! Creative fun for all ages. Think "Paint by Number" but up the fun level by a lot."
    new london main streetnew london main street · June 23, 2012
    Art Gallery
    · New London, United States