7 places updated January 11, 2024
7 places including Disneyland Paris, Музей Мирового океана, State Darwin Museum, Moscow Zoo
4 places updated April 9, 2014
4 places including Дети — жертвы пороков взрослых, Red Square, Колесо обозрения, Patriarshiye Ponds
1 places updated December 27, 2013
1 place including Stadtbibliothek am Mailänder Platz
3 places updated June 23, 2014
3 places including Перекресток, Chinese Pilot Jao Da, Прикарпатье
30 places updated November 29, 2013
30 places including State Museum of the History of Religion, Рюмочная, Peter and Paul Cathedral, Cruiser Aurora
33 places updated March 9, 2014
33 places including Грабли, Театр «Smile», Jean-Jacques, Московский музей современного искусства