Michelle Dela Torre

Michelle Dela Torre


I'm happily married with two adorable kids...

Cebu City, Phillipines
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Cebu City
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Michelle Dela Torre
1 places updated August 9, 2012
1 place including Derek's tutor NANETH
Michelle Dela Torre
2 places updated August 9, 2012
2 places including cebu doctors medical clinic.... dr. gellaga, Derek's tutor NANETH
Michelle Dela Torre
2 places updated August 9, 2012
2 places including National Book Store, Derek's tutor NANETH
Michelle Dela Torre
4 places updated August 9, 2012
4 places including McDonald's, Chong Hua Medical Arts Center, cebu doctors medical clinic.... dr. gellaga, Derek's tutor NANETH
Michelle Dela Torre
5 places updated
5 places including Barangay Tabunok, National Book Store, Chong Hua Medical Arts Center, cebu doctors medical clinic.... dr. gellaga
Michelle Dela Torre
10 places updated
10 places including University of San Jose - Recoletos Basak Campus, Derek's tutor NANETH, cebu doctors medical clinic.... dr. gellaga, Aguas residence
    "Woot woot... Airconditioned na.... At last... It's about time...."
    Michelle Dela TorreMichelle Dela Torre · August 31, 2012
    · Cebu City, Pilipinas
    "Dr. James Gelaga clearly is a nice doctor.... Og dili siya mgdali2 sa pag.explain sa parents why theirs kids have allergys and what are the solutions to its allergys...."
    Michelle Dela TorreMichelle Dela Torre · August 2, 2012
    Doctor's Office
    · Cebu City, Pilipinas
    "I enjoy bringing my kids at national bookstore... When I'm with them, I remember my childhood days in these store.... Brings back memory..."
    Michelle Dela TorreMichelle Dela Torre · July 12, 2012
    · Cebu City, Pilipinas
    "TGIF CHEESEBURGER! Superb... Tender and juicy.. make sure though your tummy have enough space to fill the entire burger.."
    Michelle Dela TorreMichelle Dela Torre · July 12, 2012
    · Cebu City, Pilipinas
    "Look for Dr. Doris Gigataras,M.D. rm. 410 if you need a pediatrics - pediatric neurology... She's one of the best doctors that took care of my kids especially my son..."
    Michelle Dela TorreMichelle Dela Torre · June 23, 2012
    Doctor's Office
    · Cebu City, Pilipinas