All of history on the Hungarian land from Roman times until communism, all arranged in a timeline way, on politics, culture, education, society development - it's worth every forint! Very big!
Looks like they have made an effort and some of the descriptions are in English. However, the exponates are still missing the English text description which made me MAD!
Nice place for visit, even if you have 1 day in Budapest.This’s the oldest public museum in Hungary.Beautiful neoclassical building. Permanent & temporary exhibitions. Ticket f 🧔🏻 is around 15$.
Audio guide in ENG was quite confusing at some parts with directions, but for person who does not speak Hungarian no other choice left since exhibition are missing English translation here and there
Enjoy your breakfast on the heavenly stairway of Hungarian National Museum while being surrounded by chilling ELTE (Eötvös Loránd University) students.
The first public museum of Budapest. The construction began in 1837, and was completed in 1848. The building became one of the symbols of the 1848-1849 Revolution.
Read a lot about there not being many object labels in English. But yesterday there were quite a few and I left feeling more informed on Hungarian history.
A substantial collection - I was looking forward to learning more about Hungarian history, but left disappointed by the lack of English translations on the signs.
Museo dedicato alla storia nazionale, dalle origini romane al XIX secolo. Simbolo sacro dell’unità magiara è il tesoro delle insegne reali con la celebre corona di S.Stefano di epoca bizantina
Очень понравился музей. Для тех, кто интересуется историей этой местности. Много экспонатов разных эпох. Понравился мазаичный пол найденныйй в древней римской вилле.
Очень понравился музей. Для тех, кто интересуется историей этой местности. Много экспонатов разных эпох. Понравился мазаичный пол найденный в древней римской вилле.
Museo enorme che racconta la storia della città fin dalla preistoria. Pinta di diamante il mantello dell'incoronazione. Accoglie spesso mostre temporanee.
Zavalli Macarlari gelen vurmus giden vurmus, bir turlu huzura erememisler. Macar tarihini oldukca guzel anlatan bir muze. Turk tarihinden tanidik isimleri dd goreceksiniz ;)