About a 10min walk from The Broad, LA City Hall offers beautiful views of Downtown Los Angeles and the best part? It's free. If you're ever around, LA City Hall is worth a visit at least once
Great views from the upper observation deck. Take the express elevators to 22, then the next elevator to 26. After that either stairs or another little elevator to the 27th flooroutside deck.
Fun to see what group is marching or protesting on the beautiful grounds. Take in the iconic architecture of City Hall and at New Year's there is a huge countdown party.
It was an incredible visit, I was there at night and no politicians were there aro With politicians there it's like visiting the Rits Carlton with a heep of elephant maneuver in the middle of the room
Take a moment to rest in the shade or sun of the South Lawn, and check out the distinctive tower - made with sand from each of California's 58 counties and water from its 21 historical missions.
Enter at street level on Main St., or take City Hall East elevator to 3rd fl, taking bridge to chambers/rotunda. Don't miss the views from the Bradley room; reach by taking elevators to 26th floor.
OccupyLA is doing amazing things. Daily educationclasses and workshops, civic engagement, changing the course of history while many sit back as arm chair jocks and wish they had the courage. Occupy
1977—prompted by media coverage of the Hillside Strangler, a serial killer who targeted women, two women artists produced In Mourning and In Rage, a media performance on the steps of L.A.’s City Hall. Read more
There are free tours of city hall along with spectacular views of downtown from the tower. Contact me & we can have lunch together on your visit here :D
"City Hall houses both the mayor’s office and the chambers of the LA City council. It also houses the secret basement lair of the Hollywood 19 Space Elders, who control all of th- " - Conan O'Brien
Thursday's head to the South Lawn of City Hall for the Downtown/Arts District Farmers' Market. Lots of venders serving up great food for lunch; and plenty of fresh produce! Read more
Let's change the world.. By sleeping outside, drinking, smoking weed, constant drum circles, and have a designated orgy tent. That will show the 'man'. #sarcasm
Go to the top for an excellent open-airview. Enter on the Main St side, then take an express to the 22nd floor, another to the 26th, another (or stairs) to the 27th.
"these hands are small, I know, but they're not yours — they are my own — and we are NEVER broken [...] where there is a man that has no voice: THERE I shall go singing..." — "Hands" — Jewel Kiltcher