Hey, New Yorkers!!! We highly suggest that you leave as soon as possible since traffic isn't so great the closer you get to our actual start time for the tournament tonight... See you all soon!
Summer vacation is here! Celebrate all summer long! Local Battles will have a standing summer special. Buy one, get one hour FREE! M-F, 3-5 pm and Sat-Sun, 1-3 pm. http://bit.ly/k3jvf3 http://bit.ly/m
So you want to run your own tournaments, eh? Here is your chance. Local Battles is looking for motivated individuals that are looking to organize, promote, and run their own events for the NJ/NY gamin
We're open earlier now! We have changed our hours for Sundays to 1pm-12am! Come between 1pm-3pm and buy an hour get an hour free! Happy Gaming :) http://bit.ly/lmbh1i
Summer vacation is here! Celebrate all summer long, Local Battles will have a standing summer special. Buy one, get one hour FREE! M-F, 3-5 pm and Sat-Sun, 1-3 pm. http://bit.ly/l8ICJs
Rainy days are awesome! Buy an hour get an hour free today :) Oh and you definitely have to try out the new zombie map, its insanity. http://bit.ly/kjVcGt
Happy Easter, everyone! Just a FYI... Local Battles will be closed today, April 24th. We will reopen tomorrow, Monday April 25th at 3 pm. Hope everyone has a pleasant day! http://bit.ly/giwE8V
Having the PSN blues? Come to Local Battles Gaming Center today to get you online fix. Xbox 360 FTW! http://bit.ly/i9xxtY http://files.sendible.com/253153/original.jpg
Salty Session tonight MK9, SSF4 AE and MvC3 from 7pm-3am. $10 for entire session, bring your own stick~ :) Get practicin' for Salty Battles III on July 22nd! http://bit.ly/jA2QOD
MvC3 Salty Session tonight from 7-12pm. $10 for entire session, bring your own stick~ :) Get practicin' for next week's Salty Battles II - June 17th @ 6:30 pm http://bit.ly/jA2QOD
Just if you plan on staying for a long time go up and pay the $15 before logging in. I stayed 7hrs and paid $24.75.. This is my 2nd time and I didn't know. Kinda sucks cause I spend $6 on tolls..
NBA 2K11 Tournament this Thursday! 7/21/11 starting @ 7:30pm Sign ups and warm ups start at 6:30pm. For more information click on the link below. http://bit.ly/iBrnkZ http://bit.ly/j2as8S
MvC3 Salty Session tomorrow from 7-12pm. $10 for entire session, bring your own stick~ :) Get practicin' for next week's Salty Battles II - June 17th @ 6:30 pm http://bit.ly/jA2QOD
Congratulations to NYChrisG for holding it down at #CEO2011. 1st Place MK9, 1st Place Street Fighter 3rd Strike, 3rd Place MvC3! Great job we're very proud of you! @LocalBattles http://bit.ly/jr1Hfp
Happy Graduation!!! All high school graduates get a free $10 pass when you bring in your diploma! Valid until 7.4.11. http://bit.ly/kOeKnu https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.sendible.com/358315/medium.png
Are you a Gamer Girl that looking for a place to call home? Would you like to help build the gamer girl community in North NJ/NYC? We are looking for an Alpha female to Take Over Wednesdays as a host.
Need a part-time job? Live near Local Battles? Do you have an outgoing personaility? Email your resume to info@localbattles.com and tell us in 300 words of less why we should hire you. Love for video
Salty Session tonight MK9, SSF4 AE and MvC3 from 7-12pm. $10 for entire session, bring your own stick~ :) Get practicin' for the next Salty Battles on July 22nd 2011! http://bit.ly/jA2QOD
Happy Graduation!!! All high school graduates get a free $10 pass when you bring in your diploma and ID! Valid ALL summer long. http://bit.ly/kOeKnu http://bit.ly/jq9ocn
Call of Duty: Black Ops Annihilation Map Pack available at @LocalBattles for game play! #BlackOps #Annihilation. Time to own some MORE zombiesss! http://bit.ly/kMzhBt
NJ's New desination for MvC3 Tournaments! Tournament begins at 7:30 pm show up by 6:30 pm this Friday Night 5/27/11! http://bit.ly/mPryLK http://bit.ly/inIKCo
Happy Graduation!!! All high school graduates get a free $10 pass when you bring in your diploma and ID! Valid until 7.4.11. http://bit.ly/kOeKnu http://bit.ly/jq9ocn