"Southwest's curbside agents, who are BIG BURLY MEN (may as well be women) are LAZY to the nth degree! They expect passengers to bring the bags to them, place them on the scale, and tip them! #NO TIP!"
International Airport
· Fort Lauderdale, United States
6.3"Beware if you book your reservation through 3rd party sites. They will treat you in a subpar manner, and herd you into a specific section of the hotel, as opposed to their "reward" members!"
· San Antonio, United States
7.3"Ask for mgr if you must, in order to get your check-in deal if the waiter claims to not know! Keep in mind, that the 10% off, is ONLY off of ONE meal instead of the entire order like most restaurants!"
· Houston, United States
8.2"By all means, take the trail almost all the way to the end past the 1.5 mi marker, stopping just short/shy by about 50 feet, less you get swarmed by aggressive mosquitos!"
· Houston, United States
7.8"They do excellent work! The only downside is that some of the clientele has upon occasion been loud, rude, obnoxious or just plain "ghetto"!"
· Houston, United States
"NON DENOMINATIONAL worship service!!!"
· Houston, United States