In search of Proust

2. Proust's family apartment

9 boulevard Malesherbes, Paris, Île-de-France
Apartment or Condo · Madeleine · 1 tip

bulatbulat: For most of his life Proust lived at 9 boulevard Malesherbes, near the Madeleine church, where the family moved in 1873 after his brother Robert was born.

Église Saint-Louis d'Antin is one of In search of Proust.

3. Église Saint-Louis d'Antin

63 rue Caumartin, Paris, Île-de-France
Church · Chaussée-d'Antin · 1 tip

bulatbulat: Proust was baptized here.

Les colonnes Morris is one of In search of Proust.

4. Les colonnes Morris

Paris, Île-de-France
Other Great Outdoors · Chaussée-d'Antin · 1 tip

bulatbulat: The billboard pillar, across the street. Young Proust used to rush to it daily to see who was playing—hoping for Sarah Bernhardt.

Lycée Condorcet is one of In search of Proust.

5. Lycée Condorcet

8 rue du Havre, Paris, Île-de-France
High School · Madeleine · 2 tips and reviews

bulatbulat: Proust's school. Poet Stéphane Mallarmé taught English, and composer Georges Bizet’s son Jacques was a classmate.

6. Avenue des Champs-Élysées

Avenue des Champs-Élysées, Paris, Île-de-France
Road · Champs-Élysées · 534 tips and reviews

bulatbulat: Thursdays were off, spent, weather permitting, in the gardens of the Champs-Elysées, where Proust played with his sweetheart Marie de Benardaky, daughter of a Polish nobleman.

7. Bibliothèque Mazarine

23 quai de Conti (Place de l'Institut), Paris, Île-de-France
Library · 7 tips and reviews

bulatbulat: Proust obtained a volunteer position at the Bibliothèque Mazarine in the summer of 1896.

8. Proust's family apartment

45 rue de Courcelles (Rue de Monceau), Paris, Île-de-France
Apartment or Condo · 1 tip

bulatbulat: In 1900 Proust's family moved to 45 rue de Courcelles, near the Parc Monceau. Known as la plaine Monceau, it was the city’s wealthiest neighborhood.

Proust's home is one of In search of Proust.

9. Proust's home

Paris, Île-de-France
Home (private) · Madeleine · 1 tip

bulatbulat: Proust moved here in 1906. In bedroom, famously lined in cork for soundproofing, he wrote the bulk of his work. But the room’s contents are in the Musée Carnavalet.

10. Musée Jacquemart-André

158 boulevard Haussmann, Paris, Île-de-France
Art Museum · L'Europe · 47 tips and reviews

bulatbulat: This 19th-century mansion recaptures the interior decor and lifestyle of respectable society. That gives us a vivid picture of what a house that Proust might have visited looked like.

Maxim's is one of In search of Proust.

11. Maxim's

3 rue Royale, Paris, Île-de-France
French Restaurant · Madeleine · 23 tips and reviews
Pavillon d'Armenonville is one of In search of Proust.

12. Pavillon d'Armenonville

Allée de Longchamp, Paris, Île-de-France
Event Space · Passy · 2 tips and reviews

13. Musée Carnavalet

23 rue de Sévigné (Rue des Francs-Bourgeois), Paris, Île-de-France
History Museum · Temple · 55 tips and reviews

bulatbulat: Check out contents of Proust's bedroom, famously lined in cork for soundproofing. The principal item is the brass bed in which he slept as a child and wrote much of In Search of Lost Time.

Bois de Boulogne is one of In search of Proust.

14. Bois de Boulogne

Allée de la Reine Marguerite (Allée de Longchamp), Paris, Île-de-France
Forest · Muette · 55 tips and reviews
Le Chalet des Îles is one of In search of Proust.

15. Le Chalet des Îles

Lac Inférieur du Bois de Boulogne, Paris, Île-de-France
French Restaurant · Muette · 69 tips and reviews


15 place Vendôme, Paris, Île-de-France
Hotel · Place Vendôme · 28 tips and reviews

bulatbulat: Proust was a regular at Ritz. Even on his deathbed, Proust’s thoughts were of the Ritz. His last words were “Thank you, my dear Odilon, for getting me the Ritz beer.”

17. Le Pré Catelan

Route de Suresnes, Paris, Île-de-France
French Restaurant · Muette · 38 tips and reviews

bulatbulat: The most famous restaurant in the Bois was a favorite of the novel’s heavily satirized, social-climbing Madame Verdurin.

Musée des Lettres et Manuscrits is one of In search of Proust.

18. Musée des Lettres et Manuscrits

222 boulevard Saint-Germain, Paris, Île-de-France
Museum · Saint Thomas d'Aquin · 4 tips and reviews

19. Hôtel Elysées Union

44 Rue de l'Amiral Hamelin (Avenue Kléber), Paris, Île-de-France
Hotel · Chaillot · 17 tips and reviews

bulatbulat: Proust’s widowed aunt sold the Haussmann building, and in 1919 he moved to 44 rue Hamelin in the 16th, (now a three-star hotel), where he died on November 18, 1922.

Père Lachaise Cemetery is one of In search of Proust.

20. Père Lachaise Cemetery

(Cimetière du Père Lachaise)
16 rue du Repos (Boulevard de Ménilmontant), Paris, Île-de-France
Cemetery · Père-Lachaise · 168 tips and reviews

bulatbulat: Proust was buried in Père Lachaise cemetery. If you entry from Gambeta, go straight and turn right at avenue transversale №2.