For the restaurant hidden in the shopping mall the food is amazing, especially soups and pasta meals. Gets very crowded during lunch, but the staff is always friendly and knowledgeable nonetheless.
Pappardelle con ragú d'anatra is great, as well as lasagnebolognese is worth trying. And of course, do not forget a desert - maybe raspberryricotta cheese? ;)
Grilled salmon together with risotto al nero was very tasty. Also the pumpkin soup was very good starter for it. Pick the elpi lemonade on warm evening outside and you will be pleased 👍
It's spacious & service's great. But pasta with shrimps was extremely salty, almost unbeatable. We tried white & red wine-both were quite bad. I'd come again for a drink (other than wine)but not food.
Zaza style salad -disgusting; you do not need to be a cook to prepare better salad. Primitive with no idea and no taste. Few grams of chicken for expensive price. Similar with other foods here in Kubu
>25 min. wait for a salad? what landed on table was a joke though, not even matching the description on menu- seemed like what ended on my plate was what they found in the kitchen. no like!
Nesympaticke miesto s nemastno-neslanou obsluhou. Casnici radsej postavali v hluciku, ako by mali obsluhovat. Caesar salat vcelku fajn, aj tekvicova polievka. Porcia lasagni pripominala detsku porciu
Po tom ako sme sem chodili takmer kazdy tyzden musim konstatovat,ze kvalita sa v Kubu Aupark stratila.Najskor nam zabudli priniest polievky pred hlavnym jedlom a rizoto bolo uplne bez chuti.
pytam sa, dostanem este menu, ano. Potom pride casnik ze uz nemaju. Pytam sa ze kolko bude trvat priprava jedla z jedalnicku. Ze oni nemaju hotove, ze aj menu robia vzdy cerstve. Asi im dosli suroviny
Just a few words: New York loft interior, industrial & rustical tone, open space kitchen, home-made pasta, grilled specialities, fresh salads, great atmosphere.