"Its like a frikin ice box in here! Its ultra hot outside and its colder than winter inside. You should wear your winter clothes.."
· Oviedo, United States
"Not a reliable place to be studying late. I needed to study late tonight but I was just told they'll be closing at midnight today. This was not announced anywhere online..."
· Oviedo, United States
"No need to shout"
· Orlando, United States
"How is this a study space when the people I've been sitting next to have been talking about everything but schoolwork for the past 3 hours."
· Oviedo, United States
"Where do I go to get some quiet study done on this f'kin campus? This place blows. I was able to find better study space at my community college. This place should just be called the student union #2"
· Orlando, United States
"Its always packed like the other all knight study and because its more like a cafe than a study lounge. waste of space. Ppl from the dorms pack this place even tho they already have 24 hr study lounge"
Student Center
· Orlando, United States