Unforgettable stay! Hotel services with top quality, clean, spacious and luxurious rooms, excellent food (awesome breakfast). Love outdoor area with two huge pools. Will come definitely again!
It's an amazing hotel. Great pool area, nice rooms, very kind staff, fantastic breakfast buffet and delicious restaurants. We travel with dog, they are so nice about it, so I can really recommend it!
Very good resort , very fancy and calm. But if you are looking for some action you would be bored. Lots of russian famillies and middle age german couples.
Don't use Google/Yahoo/Maps to find this place. The hotel has its own exit off of the A7 headed towards Malaga at km159. Keep an eye out for the large KempinskyHotel sign near km159.
Relájese y disfrute de una completa serenidad con nuestros terapeutas profesionales; practique la natación en una de nuestras tres piscinas exteriores o en la piscina cubierta climatizada. Read more
Die haben seit Sommer auch ILLY Kaffee!! Unbedingt mit dem hausgemachtenKäsekuchen auf der Terrasse Richtung Afrika schauend beim einmaligen Sonnenuntergang geniessen!
Не отель , а машина времени , неделя в нем , как будто месяц! Для тех, кто не любит море. , пляж , , !! Культурных мероприятий нет ! Рестораны неплохие , но отсутствие альтернативы , отель на трассе,