Tóth Virág (the owner) is a fashion designer, which explains why you can buy her clothes in the small pop up shop by the bar.You can also have homemade lemonade or a cooling cocktails here. Read more
Amazing to watch live music right out the window. Live music 8-10 throughout the summer, 2015! Very bohemian. Lovely mixed, unpretentious crowd of musicians, creatives, etc.
The best mojito and gin tonic ever! The coolest bar in Budapest, a wonderful atmosphere designed by Virag Toth, a kind hungarian fashion designer, she's the owner.
Loooks great, sets you in a great mood. Nice beers and music! If you wanna go downtown but do not want to go to some loud place full of drunk people it's your spot!
We thought of having one beer, but the atmosphere and the people and they played Rambo Amadeus and of course we stayed more. Great alternative fashion place!
Nice place with a nice bartender but the bloody mary sucks, unfortunately. They must have prepared it with ketchup cause it's sweet?! the code for wifi is: keklaguna
tanuláshoz tökéletes, finom a kávé, finom a tea, kedves a pultoslány, mindig van valami kis kaja is, központi helyen van, de nyugodt, csendes. ajánlom! ;)
Sajnos nem volt tul jo elmeny! A csapos csajszi finoman szolva nem volt a helyzet magaslatan! De igazabol lehet, h csak annyi a gond, h a hely nevebol kiindulva egy sokkal jobb helyre szamitottunk!:(