"Don't worry about lines to The Forbidden Journey, queue is going through famous places in Hogwarts Castle, such as Gryffindor common room, Dumbledore's office or Defence against Dark Arts classroom."
· Orlando, United States
9.3"Visit after sunset, it looks much better than during day."
Arts & Entertainment
· Orlando, United States
9.4"'Medium rare' here is more likely 'medium well done'"
· Warner Robins, United States
8.3"Too crowded to dance. Stay in neighboring Dungeon Lounge to enjoy more pleasant atmosphere."
Sports Bar
· Orlando, United States
5.5"Arrive during good weather, they're doing air show."
Amusement Park
· Polk City, United States
7.8"Lepší croissanty nenajdete."
· Praha, Česká republika