Cable Car · Downtown San Francisco-Union Square · 120 tips and reviews
Isadore Calderon: Ride a cable car in San Francisco. When San Francisco constructed its cable car system 125 years ago, no one was trying to build a historic landmark or a tourist attraction
755 Frederick St (Arguello Blvd.), San Francisco, CA
Performing Arts Venue · Parnassus Heights · 9 tips and reviews
Isadore Calderon: Learn how to be a clown.- San Francisco School of Circus Arts Running away to the circus may be as easy as visiting the city by the bay.
Isadore Calderon: Re-live America in the 1950's: Go to a drive-in movie theater with your sweetie. Revisit the days before multiplexes and DVDs, when drive-in theaters reigned supreme.
Isadore Calderon: Learn to survive in the wilderness.- Boulder, Utah Put your survival skills to the test and learn what it takes to make it in the real world.
Isadore Calderon: Skydive in a spectacular place.- Auckland, New Zealand For the brave souls who dare, skydiving offers a chance to get about as close to flying as is humanly possible.
Isadore Calderon: Visit an active volcano.- Costa Rica Bubbling lava, paths of fire cutting through the trees it's a sight most people only witness on television or in books.
Isadore Calderon: Visit a nude beach.- St. Martin, French West Indies A midnight skinny-dip might actually seem prudish compared to the sensory overload of visiting a nude beach in broad daylight.
Isadore Calderon: Go to a nudist colony.- Palm Springs, California Want to shed those extra layers, feel the sand between your toes, the sun on your skin?
Isadore Calderon: Scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef.- Great Barrier Reef, off the coast of Australia It is half the size of the state of Texas and is considered to be one of the seven natural wonders of the world.
Isadore Calderon: Climb Mt. Everest.- Kathmandu, Nepal Once the domain only of the most seasoned mountaineers, Everest today is accessible to people from all walks of life.
Dog Park · Downtown Anchorage · 2 tips and reviews
Isadore Calderon: Race in Alaska's Iditarod.- Anchorage to Nome, Alaska In Alaska it's called the "Last Great Race on Earth," a 1,150-mile course that pits man and dog against nature.
14501 South Orange Blossom Trail (btwn Falcon Trace & Mary Louis), Orlando, FL
Zoo · 92 tips and reviews
Isadore Calderon: Take a swamp tour and learn how to wrestle an alligator.- Gatorland, Orlando, Florida Visit the land of all things reptile: Central Florida's Gatorland.
Isadore Calderon: Get close to a wild animal that could kill you.- McNeil River, Alaska Approximately 250 miles southwest of Anchorage is a pristine wilderness where animals are the priority and humans come second.
Isadore Calderon: Run with the bulls in Pamplona.- Pamplona, Spain Trying to outrun an angry half-ton beast with sharp horns is probably high on the list of life-endangering adventures.
Isadore Calderon: Travel to Michoacan, Mexico to witness the migration of monarch butterfly.- Michoacan, Mexico The tree are alive with butterflies! One million Monarch butterflies, actually.
Isadore Calderon: Visit Africa? Serengeti Plain.- Northern Tanzania to southern Kenya Hop in a hot air balloon for a bird's-eye-view of the great wildebeest migration.
Isadore Calderon: Go to a writers retreat and work on your novel. Generations of writers have learned the same thing: the best way to wrap up a novel is to get away for a while.
Isadore Calderon: Attend a Shakespeare festival and bring the bard to life. Spend a midsummer night's eve in the company of star-crossed lovers and feuding families.
Isadore Calderon: Participate in a Pow-Wow with American Indians. Get a glimpse of North America's heritage by visiting the Gathering of Nations Pow Wow in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Isadore Calderon: Only in New York would the public library boast that it contains the "largest and most comprehensive collection in the world on the history, literature and lore of tobacco."
Community College · San Marco · 5 tips and reviews
Isadore Calderon: Visit Michelangelo? David. Even 500 years after it was completed, Michelangelo Buonarotti's "David" stands tall in the world of fine sculpture.
Isadore Calderon: Visit the Hershey Chocolate Factory in Pennsylvania. Hop in a cocoa-bean-shaped car and learn all you ever wanted to know about chocolate.
Isadore Calderon: Visit Paris and skate through the streets at night. Join 10,000 Parisians as they hit the streets for Europe's biggest street skating party.
Isadore Calderon: Get a taste of high fashion in Milan. From the moment you land at Linate Airport in Milan, you know you have arrived in the fashion capital of the world.
Isadore Calderon: Dance a waltz at the Vienna Opera Ball. The ball transforms the Vienna State Opera into the world's most shining example of life as art.
Дворцовая наб., 34 (Дворцовая пл.), Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Art Museum · 1105 tips and reviews
Isadore Calderon: The world's first public art museum, completed in 1787 by Catherine the Great, the Hermitage was originally home to the empress's private collection of Western European art.
5 Henry Bacon Dr NW (at Constitution Ave NW), Washington, D.C.
Monument · Northwest Washington · 91 tips and reviews
Isadore Calderon: The black granite wall was constructed as a place of healing and reconciliation for the families, friends and supporters of the more than 58,000 slain or missing soldiers.
Isadore Calderon: Explore the routes of America's underground railroad.- Flushing, Ohio Learn about the network that helped 40,000 to 100,000 slaves to escape brutal lives in the south.
Isadore Calderon: Ruins of Pompeii. In A.D. 79, Pompeii was a bustling town, with homes, markets and temples. Walk along the ancient streets, roads that still show the marks of horses' hooves and chariot wheel ruts.
History Museum · Μακρυγιάννη · 540 tips and reviews
Isadore Calderon: Visit the Athenian Acropolis.- Athens, Greece A spectacularly preserved site representative of ancient Greek civilization, the Acropolis in Athens is an architectural and historic treasure.
Isadore Calderon: Participate in a traditional Tet celebration.- Vietnam Grab your sparklers, bring along a party attitude and plan a trip to Vietnam for this year's Tet celebration.
Carr. Fed. Cancún - Chetumal Km 282, Xcaret, Quintana Roo
Amusement Park · 774 tips and reviews
Isadore Calderon: Celebrate the Day of the Dead in Mexico. In Mexico, families come together to remember the deceased in an annual celebration of Dia de los Muertos.