Ready to have that personal experience at the grocery again? Love shopping here - all the essentials with a lot of great choices. Not missing the mega-grocery places with the awful parking/etc.
Everything is good here - don't think trader joes - everything is high quality and local. Prices are fair - many better than wegmans, tops, or trader joes You can get Ithaca Dairy milk here EVERY DAY.
So sorry to hear about them closing on 3/24/19. It was a cute little space that had supported its community. Thank you, Hart's grocery; you will be missed in a BIG way!!
I love supporting the locals by shopping here. There are great options, usually foods with natural ingredients too. Go to the bakery and try a "hello dolly".
Dionne Jacques -- Thanks for sharing your concern. It turns out the folks who were served ahead of you had previously ordered and were walking around the store waiting. Sorry for the miscommunication.
Weird thing just happened at Hart's - a place I like to go buy a coffee or some brekkie. I ordered. White couple came after me and ordered. Somehow they got served first. Maybe nothing. See next time.
Mercado fofo e bastante variado. Vendem produtos sem glúten e lactose. As frutas e vegetais são orgânicos. Os sanduíches e saladas do buffet também são ótimos. Os atendentes são muito gente boa!