"Free WiFi in the hotel lobby (ask front desk for password when you are a guest)."
"They don't accept any other health insurance other than independent health."
Doctor's Office
· Hamburg, United States
"If you sign up on their mailing list you will get a $5 coupon on your Birthday. Saved me $5 today on my haircut!"
Hair Salon
· West Seneca, United States
"Dr Kull retired as of June 10 2011"
Doctor's Office
· Hamburg, United States
"I have a MASSIVE problem with TMJ and this is helping the muscles in my head, neck, jaw etc."
Massage Clinic
· West Seneca, United States
"Mail Chute has the handle broken off near the kiosk. It was there last week. (customers #fail)"
Post Office
· West Seneca, United States