The people at Foursquare hi-jacked Grendel's Venue page to advertise a check-in special that they are running which misleads people into thinking that Grendel's has a $10 rebate, which is not true.
If Beowulf showed up, [the bartender] would be like, 'Dude, take that metal armor off. It's not OK to wear that in the bar' ... Then he'd say, 'OK, what do you want?' " Read more
So beware, if you eat outside during happy hour they charge you full price. Oh and don't expect the waitress to tell you this...even after the bill is dropped off.
Such slow service. Some of us have to actually get back to work after our lunch hour. Waited half hour for check, never came. Left estimate of bill on table. Hope nobody stole it.
Their roast beef with garlic herb cheese is spectacular. Also, the gender-neutral bathrooms can take some getting used to as they are multi-user restrooms, and not single user.