14 places updated October 2, 2012
14 places including Gåshaga (S), Käppala (S), Larsbergs (S), Talludden (L)
31 places updated November 10, 2021
List of railway stations in the English county of Norfolk. Does not include heritage railway stations, such as those of the North Norfolk Railway.
26 places updated July 30, 2013
A list of all the railway stations in the English county of Suffolk, in the east of England. Major lines include the Great Eastern Mainline, the East Suffolk Line, and the Ipswich to Ely Line.
74 places updated July 15, 2014
A list of all the railway stations in the English county of Essex, north-east of London. Major lines are towards Norwich (via Colchester and Chelmsford), Clacton, Southend, and Cambridge (via Harlow).
3 places updated
3 places including Telefonplan, Leisure World, firstsite
15 places updated
15 places including 3Arena, Grand, Stockholm Public Library, Östermalms bibliotek