Everybody knows there's no good Chinese in West LA but this place is sick! Try the duck, ask for extra sauce. The egg-rolls rock too, better than anywhere short of Monterey Park. Need more parking.
Jerry Seinfeld has said that the Seinfeld episode where they're waiting for a table in a Chinese restaurant is based on Jerry and Larry David's similar experience here.
Will be eating Potstickers and watching a great show there next Wed 6/27 at 9pm. Two great singer-songwriters are in town, from Chicago Anna Fermin and from Santa Barbara Nicola Gordon.
If you want to bring leftover soup home, ask them to bring the container to the table. If you have six servings left, they only give a half serving to take home!!
Genghis Cohen is a New York-style, American-Chinese restaurant and music venue in Fairfax, Los Angeles. Come for the egg rolls, stay for the great music!