Gene Lindquist

Gene Lindquist


Brooklyn, NY
  • 3 Tips
  • 117 Following
  • 15 Lists

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Gene's Top Cities
Los Angeles
1 List Created
New York
9 Lists Created
5 Lists Created · 3 Tips
Gene's Recent Lists
Gene Lindquist
2 places updated August 1, 2014
2 places including Lievito, Cinco de Mayo
Gene Lindquist
8 places updated February 14, 2016
8 places including Gene, Whitehead Hall, MIUSA Wine Bar, MTA Subway - Avenue H (Q)
Gene Lindquist
1 places updated November 6, 2011
1 place including #OCCUPYWALLSTREET
Gene Lindquist
2 places updated November 23, 2012
2 places including Sel de Mer, 5 Ninth
Gene Lindquist
3 places updated August 1, 2014
3 places including San Remo Pizzeria, Motorino, Cinco de Mayo
Gene Lindquist
3 places updated February 18, 2012
3 places including Baruch College - Lawrence & Eris Field Building, Baruch College BCTC, Baruch College - William and Anita Newman Vertical Campus
Gene's ListsLists Gene CreatedLists Gene Followed
"Reading, reading, reading !!!!"
Gene LindquistGene Lindquist · October 4, 2012
Academic Building
· Brooklyn, United States
"dirty, expired food labels, bugs !!! stay away !!!!"
Gene LindquistGene Lindquist · August 3, 2012
· Brooklyn, United States
"Great Pizza, but $5 a slice!!!! The Pope would have to make it and serve it !!"
Gene LindquistGene Lindquist · March 8, 2012
· Brooklyn, United States