6 places updated November 9, 2013
6 places including SMU Gym, Singapore Management University (SMU), SMU Wellness Centre (Peer Helpers), Li Ka Shing Library
8 places updated October 23, 2013
8 places including Long John Silver's, 15 Minutes (Lasalle), Everything with Fries, Koufu
8 places updated March 12, 2014
8 places including Corvinus University of Budapest, Tell palota, Gabi's residence, Szigetszentmiklós
3 places updated
3 places including Vintage Garden, Đăng Mười vietnámi étterem, Édesapa!
18 places updated
18 places including Budapest Bagel Kálvin, Margitszigeti futópálya, raqpart, DiVino Gozsdu