All the news crews go to the esplanade near the Jewish Museum so they can shoot against a dramatic backdrop of slightly choppy water. Last year Anderson Cooper was there. Just look for the news trucks
Watch Hurricane Sandy Slam the East Coast Through These 5 Live Webcams.
Cash is king in situations like these, fill the tub, beer/alcohol isn't a bad idea in the event running water is contaminated. Candles/ flashlights are a suggestion. Survival skills SANS iPhone!
Attention citizens of Toronto Ontario Canada. Stooooorm warning has been issued. People of Toronto you have to be prepared. The storm will be so powerful it may destroy houses..
it may destroy telephone may destroy all types of transformers. People of Toronto be prepared. Have your medical kits ready...have your everything ready...
NJ Gov. Chris Christie encourages residents to 'hunker down' in a safe place with enough food. He is choosing an Old Country Buffet #Frankenstorm #Sandy
Governor Cuomo has announced the suspension of MTA service, including LIRR, bus & rail commuter trains, and MTA-North. Last subway trains at 7PM and last buses at 9PM.
What is up with all these extreme weather watches in NYC?! Not used to being considered a "Zone"! Need to have a convo with Mother Nature about this! Be safe, there's no more food at path mark! xoxo
If you have the time/ability, please help out at your nearest evacuation shelter! Over 6,000 evacuees. See link for list:
This just smells like the beginning of a great zombie movie. Someone find Ving Rhames with the shotgun and police outfit and stick with him! Shits gettin real!
Mayor Bloomberg expects city workers to get to work. And just how with no MTA? He's expecting us to go out in said hurricane to work when he told us to evacuate. Sorry I'm staying indoors and safe!