Felipe Santini

Felipe Santini


São Paulo, Brasil
  • 7 Tips
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Felipe's Recent Lists
Felipe Santini
5 places updated April 19, 2015
5 places including Jazz nos Fundos, Naïve, Suíte Savalas, Ramona
Felipe Santini
7 places updated September 18, 2014
7 places including Fork Restaurant, The African Music Store, Weinhaus + Biergarten, Greenmarket Square
Felipe Santini
1 places updated September 14, 2014
1 place including Marataba Hotel Marakele National Park
Felipe Santini
1 places updated July 18, 2014
1 place including Bravin
Felipe Santini
11 places updated May 17, 2015
11 places including Armazém Alvares Tibiriçá, Aé Sagarana, Sabiá Bar e Restaurante, Bar da Dida
Felipe Santini
19 places updated August 26, 2015
19 places including Armazém Alvares Tibiriçá, Tenda do Nilo, Aé Sagarana, Biyou'Z Restaurante Afro
    Felipe's Recent Tips
    "Copa Lombo e angu de milho depois um Verrine da Esquina de sobremesa são de cair o cu da bunda. Ah, não esqueça de tomar a cerveja da casa, uma Helles produzida especialmente pela Bamberg."
    Felipe SantiniFelipe Santini · February 17, 2015
    Northeastern Brazilian
    · São Paulo, Brasil
    "O atendimento é freestyle mas a chapa é de responsa. Tudo que vier da chapa tem potencial."
    Felipe SantiniFelipe Santini · January 3, 2015
    · São Paulo, Brasil
    "Best place tp look fpr records. Lots of local artists, good selection of everything else though. Try yourself into soul, funk and jazz. Maybe some weirdies like musicals or tales of the jungle."
    Felipe SantiniFelipe Santini · September 17, 2014
    Record Store
    · iKapa, iNingizimu Afrika
    "There are two things I feel comfortable to recommend: dive into the breakfast, it's huge and delicious you'll need 1h. And ask for the Ukutula's lion interaction program. It's priceless."
    Felipe SantiniFelipe Santini · September 14, 2014
    · Sun City, iNingizimu Afrika
    "Probably it's the best experience design I've ever had. There's nothing out of place and time. Everything is just though to be an outstanding time. My tip: don't think, let they do it for you."
    Felipe SantiniFelipe Santini · September 14, 2014
    · Marakele National Park, iNingizimu Afrika
    "Foi aqui que descobri minha cachaça preferida: Tabaroa. Na dúvida, vai nessa. A moela é muito especial, mesmo para quem não é muito fã do estilo. O bolinho do luiz é um steak tartare das almôndegas."
    Felipe SantiniFelipe Santini · August 24, 2014
    · São Paulo, Brasil